Friday, September 20, 2013

We have lost our Minds

Just a word of caution to those of you out there who will one day be older than you are now.  You can't do the same things in your 50's that you used to do in your 20's.  Your body just doesn't like it.  Our day yesterday did not end with court.  We did go back and have a short nap, then Julia came by and we visited for a little while, then Stas and Svetlana appeared and we all had supper together.  Since Stas was taking Svetlana back to Kiev anyway, we decided to return as well, and catch the overnight bus to Odessa.  We dropped Julia off at the orphanage, took another wild ride back and arrived at the bus station at about 9:15 pm.  There was a 9:45 bus getting ready to leave, so we hurried to the bus, Svetlana sat us in our seats, told us where we were to get off (in Ukrainian, of course), and she left us.  We didn't even have a chance to go to the restroom before the bus left.  Svetlana told us there was a facility on the bus, but of course, there wasn't.  The bus was supposed to arrive at 5:50 am in Odessa, which seemed to me at the time, to be an awfully long time to get to Odessa.  Off we went.  Neither of us were able to sleep all night, and I'm not really sure why.  The bus was comfortable and it was dark.  About half way there, we took a rest stop, and for a mere 2 hryvnia, you could use the restroom (that's only about $0.25 - no problem!)  Back on the bus.  We arrived in Odessa just before 4:30, wound our way through narrow, back roads, twisting and turning, in an area I really did not want to be.  The bus stopped at the side of what looked like a masonry warehouse, and everyone got off.  We got off, too.  Everyone had a place to go, and off they went, and there we were in the drizzly, cold (mid 40's) dark, breezy street.  It was at this point that it really became clear, that we could not speak to anyone, did not have a street address for the Martins to give to a taxi driver, nothing.  Boy are we dumb.  Fortunately, I had an email on my ipad in which David had sent me Jill's cell phone number.  In a test of true friendship, we called her at about 5:00 am.  She got a taxi and went to the bus station . . . except we were not at the bus station!  She called again, I handed the phone to the kind bus driver and just gestured to him to talk, which he graciously did.  Jill had given her phone to the taxi driver, so between the two of them, they figured out where we were.  As it turns out, if we had walked two blocks in the direction that everyone else had walked, we would have discovered that we were at the big train station.  If we had only known.  We got to the Martin's flat, ate some breakfast, and our bodies immediately went into shutdown mode.  Jill is a wonderful hostess - she gave us her own bed, closed things up tightly so it was very dark, and we slept until noon, so now were are feeling human again.

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