Monday, August 19, 2013

Forced entry

News flash! I want to adopt all the dogs and their puppies and all the cats in Romny. They are sooooo o cute and fluffy!! They do not belong to anyone but they are very friendly and well-fed too. They all sleep by stores or in the weeds. This is a really boring entry because I am being forced to write and have nothing to say. And it has to be ten sentences. They have a naked mermaid statue in the park. And they have lots of screaming children in Romny. That is all for now. Farewell

This is a Ukrainian ghost looking over Virginia's shoulder.  She does not appreciate her wonderful father's good humor and jocular spirit in the morning.  Poor child!


  1. Poooooooooor Virgina, being forced to blog about your worldwide adventures. Now you are going to have some sort of weird blogging complex and it will be all MOM AND DADS FAULT. Overboard? Ok. Love you!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hello when you blog. Here are a few writing prompts: tell us what you see that is different from the US...what different foods do you see in shops or restaurants, do they wear different styles, what do the kids do/play? Or maybe you could take pics and tell us about them. We are visiting the Ukraine thru your eyes! Love, Aunt Beth

  3. Gabby and I loved your blog. And we appreciate your father's weird humor and jocular spirit!
