Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Washing clothes in the Romny hotel

To begin the process you soak a washcloth to serve as a stopper for the bathroom sink( the washing machine.)  Next you fill the sink with dirty clothes.  In one load I washed six pairs of socks, a t-shirt and a few undies.  You sprinkle laundry soap over the clothes and fill the sink with water.  For some reason there is not hot water for the sink.  It comes out lukewarm for a few minutes before it starts sputtering, which means there is air in the line and that is not good, so you switch to just cold water then.  You must hold the stopper washcloth in place with one hand while you agitate the clothes with your other hand.  After a few minutes the stopper will hold the water if you are careful and you scrub the clothes one at a time to make sure they are clean.  Now you can let go of the stopper and rinse the clothes.  I rinsed them one a a time to make sure all the soap got out.  Then you spread a towel on the floor.  You wring out the clothes by twisting them tightly to squeeze out as much water as possible.  If the item is large, like Andy's t-shirt, it takes two people to do the wringing.  Then you lay the garments on the towel, roll it up and this helps dry them a little more.  Finally you hang them  on hangers from the clothesline that my ingenious husband designed with loops tied in it to hold the hangers.  Any leftovers are left to dry flat in the window where the sun does its magic.  The next day the clothes are clean and dry!

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