Saturday, August 24, 2013

Safely Home

We made it home without much fanfare.  It was a long day(s), which I will describe below.  It is 5:00 am, and Libby, Virginia and I are all up.  Can you believe Virginia is out of bed at 5:00 of her own free will?  Libby was up a little after 3:00 am and already doing a load of laundry from the trip.  Hopefully we will all stay awake all day, go to bed at the normal time, and get up at a more reasonable hour tomorrow.  At least we have no reason to be late for church!

We really had no choice on our departure time from Kiev.  It was the 5:45 am flight, or some other insanely expensive ticket ($4000 per person via Moscow!).  Our lack of sleep story really begins Thursday morning.  We got up at the normal time, had a normal day, then tried to go to bed early to prepare for the trip.  Of course, none of us could go to sleep.  But by 10:00 pm, we were all asleep.  Then the phone rang at 11:15 pm.  Back to sleep.  Alarm went off at midnight. Libby got up to take a shower, then Virginia.  I got to sleep in until 1:30 am, when I got up as well.  So we are all starting the trip on 2-3.5 hours of sleep.  Had to carry all the luggage down the pitch black stairs, with Virginia leading me down with the flashlight.  (I will try to load a video of our stairs)  Loaded everything, driver arrived at 2:45 am, to the airport by 3:30 am, to beat the 2 hour early arrival rule for international flights.  Checked in, sat around, left on time.  Fortunately we flew out on Lufthansa, so I had a place for my knees.  We dozed a little on this short flight.  To Frankfurt, through the maze of halls again, through security, where they half stripped-searched me (well, not quite THAT bad), and to our gate.  Libby spied out what she thought was another American family adopting, and went over to talk to them.  They were, but not the family she thought they were.  We may wirte about their crazy story in a future blog.  On the flight back across the pond, dozed a little, to Atlanta.  Through a crazy twist of really bad scheduling on my part,  ALL of my grown children had scheduling conflicts and couldn't come get us, so we rented a car, prayed like crazy that I would not fall asleep at the wheel, and drove home.  No problems.  I still can't think clearly enough to figure out our sleep to awake ratio, but it wasn't enough, whatever it was.  Jim cut the grass for me last night, so I don't have to do that today.  But my car isn't running, so that will be my welcome home task.

We will keep you informed of the new timeline as it develops, and we have a few leftover thoughts to share, but the blog will slow down until we go back over.

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