Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ukraine the breadbasket

I had heard that under the Soviet Empire, Ukraine was the breadbasket that kept the USSR alive.  After our drive to Sumy yesterday, I believe it!  Rich black soil that stretched on as far as you could see.  Beautiful corn fields and sunflower fields.  Some wheat, and pumpkins, apple trees loaded up, plums, etc.  interestingly, almost no animal farms.  Individuals might have a cow, or a few goats or chickens, but that was all.  The country is very nice - rolling hills and trees planted in wind rows.  Not too many wild animals in these parts, because there aren't many forests.

We went out walking today and found sveta's pig.  We HAD to take a picture by it.  It is another gorgeous day -low this morning was 51, with a high forecast of 78, and a light breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Lol! ginny your enthusiasm in this picture is killing me. lol. awww!!!! Yay for the Romny Pig! I got my picture request! :)
