Thursday, October 10, 2013

More running around

For those who like to get to the bottom line right away, we still do not know if the passport hangup is resolved yet, and I still don't have the immigration paperwork issue fixed.  Svetlana is coming back over here on Friday morning to see if she can shake things loose.  If she is successful, we will run over to Sumy and try to get everything turned in.  Then we need to come back and have Julia's pizza party.  So tomorrow could be (hopefully is) a busy day.  I walked over to Andrew's house again today to scan another document, and then sent it to the embassy.  Then the Foxes and we had lunch with two ladies who are here setting up the hosting program for Christmas time.  This is the same group that got us attached to Julia, so we have a special affection for them.  We almost missed seeing Julia again today.  We did not see her at all yesterday.  We checked her place, our place, then I discovered I had no minutes on my phone so I made an emergency run to take care of that, then back to our place, then her place again.  Still no Julia.  We walked downtown to look for her there, stopped in the store quickly for more water, then back to the orphanage.  We were going to stake-out the front door so we could see her as she came in.  But I decided to check her room once more, and there she was, asleep.  So we at least got to hug her a little bit and we made sure of our meeting time tomorrow.  Two of the boys there who know a little bit of English came in and helped us talk T her.  On the way back home, we had an impromptu meeting of the hosting women, Sean, Libby and me, Andrew, then one of the guys from the orphanage, and then another guy who has graduated from the orphanage.  As Andrew would say, who would have thought there would be so many Americans in Romny?  Back to the Foxes for leftovers for supper and finally home.  A least I got to have some truffles today.  The wind is not quite so cold when truffles are on the menu.
In other exciting news, one of the women I work with had her first child today, and I had a great nephew born today!  Or maybe yesterday . . . I don't even know what day it is anymore.

While still in a state of undressed, drying my hair and some socks, I heard a knock at the door.  I was so glad it was not housekeeping, since I can't speak Ukrainian and they can't speak English.  It was Cosette, moriah, josiah and Elijah.  After I threw on some clothes they came in and we had a fun visit while Cosette checked her messages and the kids watched tv and I put on my make-up.  Moriah made me laugh when she said, very sweetly, "Miss Libby, you do not look like Miss Libby."  I told her to give me a few minutes and Miss Libby will return."  When the paint job was finished, she said,"now you look like Miss Libby!"  So Virginia, make-up is a necessity to your mother!
Then we all walked to the pink store and bought the food for lunch.  Along the way we walked through a beautiful tunnel of yellow leaves.  The ground was covered and the trees reached over us forming a lovely fall tunnel.  We got home, cooked the food and our guests arrived.  We had such a great time of catching up, encouraging prayer and sweet fellowship.  Andrew was amazed that the Fox family and we had only known each other a short time.  I tried to explain the reason we enjoyed each other and loved each other is because the Spirit of Jesus lives in us and causes the love.  I hope he understands what i was trying to say.  He helped us all day long with a genuine smile on his face.  He is so humble and loves for us to correct his English.  He is a treasure.  God just keeps pouring out His blessings despite our stuckness.  We are so ready to come home, but we see God using our time here for good and He is using all our loved ones at home to show us His goodness, too, as you care for each other and pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Oh moriah. That's hilarious. So glad you have friends to play with.
