Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This will be Short

Have you ever had a day, after which, it is better just not to talk about it?  Well, it was "one of those days".  We are going backwards.  We spent 7 hours in the car today, either driving to Sumy, or sitting outside a government building waiting for Svetlana.  We went there today to take passport photos, and never even got to the photographer.  I can't write about it . . . I might put my fingers through the Ipad.  And immigration is no better.  They have placed me in a Catch 22.  I basically have to do two different things separately, and together, at the same time, but not all at once.  Make sense?  Not to me either.
I better stop now.  I feel the effects of the truffle and cookie wearing off rapidly.


  1. Hang in there bro'. As frustrating as today was in a couple days it will all come together and you'll be making plane reservations to come home :-)

  2. Oh, Andy and Libby! Praying so much for you!
